Duplicate Relic Weapon ?
Hmm.. Have u seen Relic Weapon that have been upgraded? Double hitter +4 or +6 or Cerberus / Inferno (acc) +4/5/6 at auction? Absolutly most people still have Accretia Relic weapon because there are many fly a BD player .. And for many other nations have seized GM with "night operations" .. ^_^ .. To the extent that auctions should be excluded while to raid "counterfeit goods" .. Relic Weapon Upgrade ['dupe] really not using any engine but with the bugs mail. This mail bugs process using certain Number Value filled in the "Recipient" and the "Title". After the bugs of this letter is then you will get a "return mail messages" at 00:00.

1. Go to the map base, try not crowded place to avoid the risk of lag and dc. (more precisely outside the headquarters building, still in the base map)
2. Press N (Open letter)
3. Press send a letter, then enter the Relic weapons will be upgraded
4. In the "Recipient" value content of the following number: different code each server
The following is a written address to the box: "RECIPIENT" [=Penerima(:Indo)] ;

Astro server:
19FF3DA1216L (Relic Accretia)
23FF3DB2446L (Relic Cora)
31FF3DB2446L (Relic bellato)

Galaxi server:
13FF3DA1215S (Relic Accretia)
23FF3DB2445S (Relic Cora)
31FF3DB2445S (Relic bellato)

Vega server :
19FF3DA1213C (Relic Accretia)
23FF3DC2443C (Relic Cora)
31FF3DB2443C (Relic bellato)

Polaris server:
19FF3DA1219P (Relic Accretia)
23FF3DC2449P (Relic Cora)
31FF3DB2449P (Relic bellato)

Venus server:
19FF3DA1211V (Relic Accretia)
23FF3DC2441V (Relic Cora)
31FF3DB2441V (Relic bellato)

5. In the box "TITLE" [=Judul (:Indo)]value write the following number:
(same on all servers & race)

Example: Accretian duplicate Relic weapon "Cerberus" on the Galaxi server [Indo]

Danger! This bug using the value of a particular code which is only used to 'dupe Relic weapon, can not be used for weapons and other goods. So do not ever try to weapons and other goods, because certainly you will not receive mail messages back.
Good Luck !
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